Yep, it happened....my head exploded on Friday.
I guess I should explain....in an effort to try to help my daughter and her husband with child care expenses, I decided that since I was off of work that I would watch the
grandkids 3 days a week.
Sounds easy enough....right?? WRONG!!!
With a 4 year old and 2 year old, 3 dogs (who are fighting all the time) and a cat who must stay in the garage or risk being eaten by the visiting bulldog....my household was absolutely crazy!!
Although I successfully raised two daughters to adulthood....wholly-moly...what a difference 20+ years makes in the patience level. This is the reason our eggs dry up at this age....GOD is very, very wise.
My granddaughter bonked my grandson in the head with a sucker (which caused him to cry like a mad man) and my grandson has a fascination with electrical outlets and removing batteries from all remote controls located in the house. Of course all of these things happen as soon as I get a somewhat important phone call that I have to try to talk though.
After that I had a total melt down, and tearfully called my daughter and said I just couldn't do it any more. I love my grandchildren more than anything in the world and I don't want them to think of me as the lunatic grandmother who is constantly yelling at them and putting them on time out. I want to go back to the way it was....they stay over on the weekends...we go to fun places, do crafts, go swimming, camping, fishing..... and grandpa is here to help!!!
I tried, I really did....I hoped to be the grandma that baked cookies while they napped...my home always spotless...gee thoughts of June Cleaver come to mind....oh that's right..she wasn't REAL!
I hand it to all of you that stay at home, home school, nurse babies and still finding time to sew, cook and maintain a blog. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! I wish I knew how you could do it all....
Well, my head has returned to normal....and tomorrow we are gonna have ourselves a giveaway!! Come back tomorrow...ya hear?!!