Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Wise and Mighty Random Number Picker has spoken....

I caught the Random Number Picker before he went to sleep and he has chosen number 7......woohoo....quitecontrary1977 you are the winner! (For those of you that are new here the Random Number Picker is my hubby....I just ask "Hey Honey, pick a number between 1 and 8") I haven't figured out how to use the computerized version, but believe me...he is totally random.
Thank you all for stopping in....check back in never know when I might have a giveaway!
I spent the day fishing and I am pooped!!


Henry said...

thanks so much!!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Congratulations, Quitecontrary1977!

Anonymous said...

Yay Quitecontrary. I'm totally jealous, but happy for you at the same time!