Monday, October 20, 2008

Ahhh....back to reality and a day making jam

We got back last night from a weekend of fishing....ahhhh there is nothing like it!! No phones, no mail, no tv, no cooking, no cleaning...heck you don't even have to shower if you don't want too!!
Just me, my hubby, my dog (only the wienie dog got to go), my fishing equipment and my satellite radio....nothing else needed....oh and food, drink and my self contained 30 foot travel trailer.....I wasn't gonna rough it now, was I?
At this particular trout derby...they plant 500 fish, 50 of which have tags on them...3 of them have big money is worth $3000.00 and the other two are worth $1000.00..the remaining tagged fish split the remaining pot of money.
A couple of years ago I caught a tagged fish and walked away with almost $200.00.
But this weekend, no one caught any of the big money fish....and only 2 tagged fish were caught the entire weekend. So the two people that caught the fish split the entire guess is that they probably walked away with at least $2000.00 each! Not bad for a weekend of fishing!!!
It was a beautiful weekend with weather in the 80's and a low of 50 at night...purrrfect!! We stayed up Saturday night and did some night fishing until about 1:30...when we couldn't hold our eyes open any longer. I think this is the last tournament of the year, until spring.
So....when I got back I had forgotten that I had picked a bucket of figs at a friends house, that were waiting for me in the garage. And today I made a batch of fig jam.
It is absolutely delicious to serve on crackers, over cheese...maybe drizzled over your morning oatmeal or even ice cream. Here is the recipe...courtesy of Ball Blue Book of Preserving
Fig Jam
5 lbs. figs
6 c. sugar
3/4 water
1/4 c. fresh lemon juice
Rinse figs and trim stem off. Place figs in a large roasting pan and cover with boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. Drain and finely chop.
Combine figs, sugar and water in large heavy pot over medium heat bring to a slow boil, stirring constantly. Cook to gelling point. Add lemon juice and cook 1 minute longer.Ladle into hot prepared jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. Process 15 minutes in a water bath.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great, and the fig jam...yum!

Anonymous said...

I have a fig tree in my yard but it's not producing. I love figs but have never made jam.

We have only been fishing twice during this fishing season, which for our kind of fishing extends from July to about OCtober. Oh how I love fishing days! Sounds like you had a great time!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I'm gonna have to try that. Never even heard of fig jam.
Sounds relaxing! Can I come next time?

lanelle17 said...

Yummy... I had some for breakfast this morning.

Unknown said...

I've never tried fig jam or preserves. I love figs though.
Too bad about the fishing derby. I wonder what would happen if someone happened to catch a taqged fish after the derby. Maybe save it in a tank until the next contest?

I love the tote! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful looking jam. I am also a fisherwoman and found you by way of The Hunter's Wife, who visited my blog and lists you on her home page. I would like to know where you found the woman in your banner? Been doing an internet search for similar images without much luck!
Enjoying your blog, please come visit!