I think that I am slowly losing my mind. I don't know if it is age (my kids would say that it is...), but geez I am only 40 something. Or maybe it has something to do with all that reckless behavior in the 70's.....my mother warned me!!! I didn't think I burned that many brain cells but I guess it is catching up with me.
I just can't seem to accomplish anything. Nope, nothing, nada......I get side tracked so easily and can never concentrate long enough to complete something.
And then there is this darn computer and blog. I love this blog...I really do. Heck 6 months ago I didn't even know what a blog was, then I was looking up a recipe and BAM...I ran into the Pioneer Woman blog and my life has never been the same. But I am really envious by everyone's photos, layouts, creativity, whoop dee woos....and I can't figure out how they do it.
When I had my little giveaway someone asked me why they couldn't link to my recipes....DUH...I have no idea how to do that. I have no idea how people can write something with a line through it...
I bought a top of the line camera...I can't seem to make sense of the book that came with it.
I bought Photoshop elements....I know it can do some pretty fancy things...but I can't figure it out......
I just don't have the patience anymore either....
I used to close multi-million dollar real estate transactions.....why can't I figure any of this out?
Please send help.......please....thank you
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I think your mind ran away with mine, cause there are days when I feel the exact same way.
Patience? I think it left with my oldest children.
Hello, Tammy! I wondered over from my blog to see what was going on. Thanks for the post over on mine. If I can help in way with all this blogging stuff or help in any way so that your mind becomes blogger better let me know.
I think you need to fish more
Blogging expertise really takes time. I've been taking pictures and web designing since I was 11... which was 10 years ago.
Photoshop is not an easy one- I have a graphic design degree and it is not my preferred choice. What is YOUR goal with the photos and maybe I can help? Email me. You know where to find me!
Ooops - wasn't finished.
Is that about as clear as mud?
If you have any questions - e-mail me at tammymaroon@mac.com. I really have no life. I am home all day and procrastinate every chore I should be doing. Seriously. It's sad. LOL
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