This afternoon we decided to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, what an awesome movie! I had read the reviews and some had described it as slow moving...but I found that the movie moved along at the just the right pace, enough to keep your interest (and the Hubby didn't fall asleep...that's means alot..believe me!).
I admit...I have always had a thing for Brad Pitt (if you remember an earlier post of mine..). Ever since Thelma and Louise...his incredible dimpled smile and boyish good looks....ummm yummy. And again I have always been Team Aniston...but Brad, Brad, Brad....oh, excuse me...
This movie had the simularities of Forest Gump (as so many reviewers have said) with the romance of A River Runs Through It and Legends of the Fall. It is well worth the nearly 3 hours of cienamatic viewing. The makeup and special effects are stunning and left me wondering many times how the heck they did it.
If you have the time and the opportunity to see this movie, definately go see it....I think there will be alot of talk about this one come Oscar time.